Friday, September 26, 2008

Something to Hate: John McCain's Presidential Campaign

Has there every been a more reckless and irresponsible campaign for the presidency of the United States? It's as if McCain is running a reality TV version of a presidential campaign. Its all flash and no substance. Oh, the pretty girl arrives in an unscripted moment to throw the whole race into question. Emergency, the campaign must stop to solve the financial crisis (that he doesn't know anything about, or even begin to know how to fix)! These are some of the best plot points to ever come out of a presidential campaign, and next year I hope they honor such exemplary writing with an Emmy. But there's the rub. Next year one of these people will be in charge of the free world and the bizarre national fixation/fiasco of the campaign will be over. It sure is entertaining to watch John McCain. Its also chilling to think of him as president.

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