Monday, February 25, 2008

This Too Will End

Libel and lies! ("Slander and lies" sounds better, but its in print). I don't know who this "Hawk" Stevens thinks he is, but he didn't count on the awesome power of grey thinky whale! It begins.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm weirdly obsessed with the movie Dreamcatcher at the moment. It is not a good movie, but it is a compulsively watchable one. Its so batshit crazy I can't imagine that the filmmakers had any illusions about the movie they were making. It a perfect storm of bad dialogue, bizarre story twists, horrific acting and lame effects. I'm very close to owning it.

I reached a saturation point recently with my music. For some reason it just wasn't doing it for me and I switched to audiobooks, podcasts, etc... But now I'm back on the wagon. Strawberry Jam has been getting a lot of play. Every time it ends I just want to start all over again. In Advance of a Broken Arm has been on heavy rotation too. Previously, I felt the album wandered a bit towards the middle but now I've come around and have grown to appreciate the whole damn thing. I also have been really into Twoism by Boards of Canada. I always preferred Music Has the Rights... but I think Twoism is the superior record now.

I love and glen greenwald's blog at andrew sullivan and christopher hitchens are good too.


Proposed holiday-related heart shaped robot design. Or a fat seahorse.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Its Time Chasers!

Remember when everyone got the Nick Miller haircut and started wearing Castleton shirts?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Marnie Stern T-shirt

So, I'm toying with the idea of making a Marnie Stern t-shirt and the image to the left is where I'm at now. Going for an 80s metal band kind of thing, and the indulgent use of pink is a shame but I love it. So there.

Friday, February 1, 2008