Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm weirdly obsessed with the movie Dreamcatcher at the moment. It is not a good movie, but it is a compulsively watchable one. Its so batshit crazy I can't imagine that the filmmakers had any illusions about the movie they were making. It a perfect storm of bad dialogue, bizarre story twists, horrific acting and lame effects. I'm very close to owning it.

I reached a saturation point recently with my music. For some reason it just wasn't doing it for me and I switched to audiobooks, podcasts, etc... But now I'm back on the wagon. Strawberry Jam has been getting a lot of play. Every time it ends I just want to start all over again. In Advance of a Broken Arm has been on heavy rotation too. Previously, I felt the album wandered a bit towards the middle but now I've come around and have grown to appreciate the whole damn thing. I also have been really into Twoism by Boards of Canada. I always preferred Music Has the Rights... but I think Twoism is the superior record now.

I love and glen greenwald's blog at andrew sullivan and christopher hitchens are good too.

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