Thursday, August 16, 2007

Maximum Overdrive

I love my car, really I do. I'm not a huge believer in the "my car is an extension of my personality" version of thought, but my car does remind me of me. Its slow, heavy, white, and has an ugly interior. But its mine, paid for with money I made with my own two hands.

Lately though its been getting on my nerves. Tires gave out in June, though that was admittedly my fault. Then I ran over a board with a nail in it. A board with a nail in it. Jesus Christ, does Tex Avery live in my neighborhood or something? Fuck.

Then the radiator went. Then the tail lights. I got an $80 ticket for that one. Finally, I got everything fixed and all was kosher. Then, on the way home last night my instrument panel light went out. At midnight. On the interstate. This seemed like a problem so I turned on my dome light and the damn thing fell out of the roof, broken. I tried to put it back but it wasn't having it. At a point like that all you can do is laugh. Then cry.

1 comment:

Eshniner Forest said...

How long before you get a new ride?