Monday, August 3, 2009

The Prez, The Press, The Pressure

An irritating article from Howard Kurtz on the media and Obama.

"...Obama's professorial style of explaining policy at length, rather than offering punchy sound bites, may serve him well, but rarely yields dramatic headlines."And this is a bad thing? A president who actively and substantially engages the country in a dialogue concerning the government policies that will shape their lives? That is a bad thing? Really? And cry me a river if, "the networks 'absolutely' feel pressured... It's an enormous financial cost when the president replaces one of those prime-time hours. The news divisions also have mixed feelings about whether they are being used."

The news divisions are being given more access to the president who is offering more substance on the news of the day and they are feeling as if they are being used. Huh. And the networks are crying about losing money. Can someone remind them that they are being given free use of the public's airwaves?

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