Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rock Band DLC: 3/25

“More Than a Feeling”
“Peace of Mind”
“Rock & Roll Band”
“Something About You”
“Hitch a Ride”

Well, its certainly better than the last few weeks, but I'm not the hugest Boston fan in the world. As far as place name bands go I think they are the best. Chicago, America, Europe, Alabama, Asia, Earth, Kansas, Nazareth... they all suck. I'm going for cities, continents, and planets so Sleater-Kinney doesn't count. Sure glad that Joy Division changed their name or they might have been cursed. I think this tops my long-standing belief that number named bands are the worst (MC5 and Gang of Four are my two exceptions, and U2 if I'm feeling generous). Anyway, I should be playing "More Than A Feeling" and "Peace of Mind" any day now.

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