So I'm late and lazy. My editor is going to kill me. I'm smack dab in the middle of 2002 with The Books' Thought for Food - a great record worth every penny. The 1999-2003 run has been particularly weird and tough since most of those records I got while in college and they bring up those twin feelings of bittersweet regret and bitter regret.
I had a horrible time getting through PJ Harvey's Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea. And not because it is a bad record, although I know at least one die hard PJ Harvey fan who may claim otherwise. Its just that, well, it manages to dredge up all the bitterest feelings laying at the bottom of my mind. Not that the time in which I bought it was unhappy. It was, I think, the happiest I've ever been; it just brings to mind all that I've lost. Which is a lot. Like I said, bitter regret. Also in that category are Oh, Inverted World and It's a Wonderful Life. Damn you association!
But its not all sad trips down memory lane. Ween's White Pepper - in all its British Invasion meets A.M. Gold glory - is still one of my favorite records. Things We Lost in the Fire is a lot better than I remember it, and I think now, my favorite Low record. Kid A and Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever still have the power to bring me back to the headspace of my 20-year old, art school attending self, and thats not an unpleasant thing. And I still love Andrew W.K.
Anyway, this whole enterprise was one way to fill my empty days. And it has. I guess that's my entertainment now, rearranging my acquired content in a way that is of passable interest to myself and no interest to anyone else. To that end I've decided to listen to 3 specific records each week on my train ride to and from work. This week its The Talking Heads More Songs About Buildings and Food, St. Vincent's Marry Me, and Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth.
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